Monday 25 April 2011

seriously, i'm in love with that blogger, (=

Seriously, I’m in love with that blogger. (hehehe tu die...tettt)
today is 26, tomorrow is 27? hahaha means esok da stat la final axam aku tuk paper strategic. hurmm see, tgh cbok ngn asemen yg melambak, final da dekat time tu jugak la nk wt blog hehee..actually, mmg da lame nk wt blog p pk xpe la wt nti cuti sem ni,, p tup tup xsmpai cuti sem da wt hehee... (inilah dugaan ketika menghadapi exam namenye)

back to the topic,, ehehe malu lak nak bercerita...seriously mmg aku jatuh hati wit that blogger (name dirahsiakan) heee.. hari2 duk baca blog die...die sgt klakar okey...biaselah gulz akan lebih tertarik tuk suke laki yg klakar dr lelaki yg serious...(betol x?)

actually, sblm ni xpenah tau pn sal blog die ni, p my fren lulu la yg suh bc, die ckp bes...1st bc da suke da hehe smpai la skunk... why i love(love ker) like him?? hehe...sbnrnye hanye sbb die klakar n aku rs die tu bdk baek..eueww xknl lagi xpuji lebey2...itulah penangan nye... hurmm agak rendah diri la nk suke die sbb rmai gler follower die and kt fb pn 29,+++ like die pnyer page..hurmm mmg xkesampaian la jwbnye.. aku xknl pn die,, n die mmg xtls pn sape die sbnrnye,, pic pn xde..agak misteri di situ eehhe..yg aku tau sal die die org utara, umo die 25,,n maybe he is not handsome guy hahahaaa..p xpe aku xksh pn sape die yg pnting aku suke die...biase la aku kan shy2 cat orangnye so xpnh la plak nk comment ape2 kt blog die or fb die..sbb da tau die xkn layan(bkn sbb die xnk kwn ngn aku p sbb die xterbals rmai sgt komen,,ngeee)..

sigh(nk mengeluh plak)..tapi tulah,, minat jela kt die,,sbb mustahil la dpt knl die hehee..lgpn die rmai peminat,, aku plak kuat cembura,,owhh mmg xdapat la kn ehehe..owhh lagi satu xbole la nk cite lebey2 sal die tkot kntoi...lau tuan die tau camne?? owhh tidak,,sgt suke okey hahahaa(tidak sy bukan cmni sebenarnye) sgt pemalu okey..hahaha(ketawa sambil tutup mulut) ahahah =P.. tibe2 ter pk,, lau die betol2 tau cne?? owhh no,,xsanggup rsnyer

okeyy babai,,nk smbung stdy la plak..

p/s: jgn bgtau sape2 tau,,malu (blushing) 
      hahahaa peace no war

Saturday 23 April 2011

i can't let u go even if i die ~~


korang,,,korang penah dengar x lagu " i can't let u go even if i die" by 2 am...??
waaa lagu ni,, memang..hehehe ape yg memang?? memang la...(sat lg i cite naa)

1st time dgr lagu ni, roomate la (name die fiza) die duk suh dgr lagu ni, die ckp lagu ni sesuai tuk nadd, sbb lagu putus cinte kn (padahal dah bertahun-tahun da putus nye)..dengar la kite lagu tu,, mula-mula dgr tu..hurmm ok gak la..lagu ni lagu sedey,, sal org tu even 'die' die skali pn die xmampu nk berpisah ngn ex die ni (hayatilah lirik die,mendalam maksud die) same la cm kisah empunye diri ni..p tu dulu la kott hehehe (tettt).. dibuat nye cite, duk ralit tgk cite korea, 'dream high',, tibe-tibe si Jason ni die nyanyi lagu ni..pastu smbil tgk tu duk pk la,,rs cm penah dgr lagu ni,, pastu tny la fiza td,, rupenye memang betol la lagu yg die tuju stat tu da macam orang giler lak dengar lagu ni...non stop duk repeat lagu same je..huhu..tibe2 jadi minat gler kt lagu ni and suke giler ar..mmg r lagu ni ada la kaitan ngn idup empunye diri ni......acahh je ehehee...ok ok jom kite layan lagu ni eh...beshh,, (*_^)

video:   2am-i cant let u go even if i die

lyrics :
No matter how young you are, the pain is still the same
Saying you don't know the world too well. You don't know the pain.
Things will get better. Why did you lie?
How can such a hurt heart repair so easily?
How can I live without you?
That's why I

Can't let you go even if I die
How can I let you go?
Whether you're trying to go or leave, fix my heart
So that I don't hurt
At least so that I can live on
If you can't, whatever
I can't send you even if I die

Even if you push me away
I'm gonna hold on to the end
So that you can't go anywhere
If you're really gonna leave, then lie to me
Saying we'll meet again tomorrow smiling
Saying that breaking up was a joke
Otherwise I

Can't let you go even if I die
How can I let you go?
Whether you're trying to go or leave, fix my heart
So that I don't hurt
At least so that I can live on
If you can't, whatever
I can't send you even if I die

We were always together so often
How can I live alone now?
I can't do this
I just can't do this

I can't let you go even if I die
How can I let you go?
Whether you're trying to go or leave, fix my heart
So that I don't hurt
At least so that I can live on
If you can't, whatever
I can't send you even if I die
p/s: saye bg lirik in english la ye,,sbb nk nyanyi dlm bhs korea berbelit2 lidah ni,,,hehe =)..lagi satu nk upload video sndri pnye la lame so amik link kt youtube je..sebarang kesulitan amatlah dikesali